The Coppery Montoro Onion is sweet and unleashes an intense and characteristic aromaticity with a delicate and lasting taste of an unconfoundable flavor. It may be appreciated raw as well as in a variety of culinary ways. Consumers have the certainty that the coppery Montoro onion is grown following a good farming practice.
The syndicate governing production of the coppery onion lays down rules for production and cultivation using alternative techniques to chemical products, which respect the environment. The AGROQUALITÀ inspectors control the whole of the productive process, assuring the consumer that the level of residue from farming agents are well below the limits established by the law. Respect for the environment means respect for the future generations. The coppery Montoro onion is commercialized with a unique “Marchio Collettivo Geografico” (a collective Geographical trade mark) whose function is to assure the origin of the product of a specific territory: therefore an instrument to enhance value for the producer and a guarantee for the consumer.
The coppery Montoro onion has a history that only a product accompanied by the collective geographical trademark can tell. The label of the onion carries a code which states where it was grown, the producer, the production method and who selected and packed the product.